Night At the Museum Review Blog


  • Unfortunately my team was not able to qualify to go to Night at the Museum because of out lack of features on out cpt website.
  • Even though we did not qualify I still went to look at some of my peers’ projects.
  • Overall Night at the Museum was a fun time to look over different projects
  • I saw some of my friends and I also met some new people as well.


  • Some things that I feel that my team and I could grow on is splitting up the work load. I feel I was assigned a much harder job than any of my team so it took me some time. And because of the other events I had during the week I was nat able to acheive my goal
  • But I dont only want to blame my group. I feel I should have spent more time than I already did on this. I get home itself by 7:30 and worked on the CPT project for at least an hour and 15 mintues on an aveage basis. Apparently that wasn’t enought and I should have realized that before it was too late.
  • Some glows that my group had was communication. We made a group chat on messages and whenever one of us had a problem everyone else tried to help out and fix the problem.
  • Another glow with out comminication was with merge conflicts. Everytime someone commited we made sure that everyone was not also commiting anything or else we will have merge conflits.

Blog on event

-Something I saw that really impressed me was this one project with a sign language translator. It uses the camera and can tell which letters you are signing. And if you don’t know sign language there was a page showing the correct signes for each letter. I found this really cool because of how they connected the code to the camera.

-One thing that I saw that impressed me out of Compsci was the way that people were pulling in their audience. For example the sign language website was more interactive than most others so it attracted more people. Another example is this one webiste where it was a copy of spotify and it played music. Wheneer it played some Travis Scott or Taylor Swift songs it attracted many people and with the creative music it attracted all kind of audiences.