Week 1 Lab Notebook

Python quiz description:

While exploring Jupyter Notebook, I was able to go through the python code for the quiz and see how it worked. I saw that a function needed to be defined in order for the quiz to function, so I defined it and the quiz worked properly. I then used Jupyter Notebook to put that python code into my website


• The quiz questions were quite easy and didn’t take any real thought to answer.

• The answers had to be case sensitive and could be annoying for some users who made the first letter capital


• I brainstormed new quiz problems and edited the list of questions that already existed

• I used elif to add the different variations of capital letters for the answers

Skills used/learned:

• I learned how to use Jupyter Notebook to add python code to the website with cells

• I used the elif function in python to add variations of the correct answer.

Calculator description:

I wanted to add a calculator to my website so I decided to code one using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The calculator design was inspired by the apple calculator on iPhone’s. I wanted to have a current operation display and a previous one right above it in smaller font that displayed the last function.


• I had a visual issue where whenever I clicked a new operation, the current function would move to the previous function area without clicking the equals button

• The JavaScript logic was complicated and took a while to make


• I deleted the previous operation div entirely which took away a lot of unnecessary complexity and made it easier to create the calculator

• I simplified the JavaScript by just using the eval function to evaulate the current operation whenever the user clicks the equal button

Skills used/learned:

• I learned how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a simple GUI based calculator

  • • I used the eval function in JavaScript to evaluate the current operation and display the new answer

• I used HTML tags to call the function to evaluate whenever the user clicks the equals button

Unity game description

In the past, as a personal project, I developed a Unity 2D game called Flippy Maze. I decided that I wanted to put in on my website because I thought it would be a good addition. I built a folder that had all the necessary componenets to embed the game into the website with WebGL. I also decided to embed a video tutorial to get the user started.


• I didn’t know how to put the build as an embed into the website with the WebGL folder

• When I found out how to fix the issue above, the website kept telling me that my file was not found. This error only occured when I tried to put the game in a post. It worked fine in index.md


• After a few hours of research, I was able to figure out how to embed the game using some HTML code

• I needed to reference the directory and I thought I did this correctly, but it used the directory of the generated folder, meaning that the directory I was using previously was incorrect as it wasn’t meant for generated file

  • After looking through the directories, I was able to find the correct way to reference the right directory and the game worked fine.

Skills used/learned:

• I learned how to use HTML code to embed a unity project via WebGL